Within civilization man is surrounded by others like himself and he finds that he shares much in common with his fellow men. Humans are similar and share the same basic needs. Mankind endlessly pursues that which offers pleasures and flees from whatever threatens to cause pain. The “fight or flight” instinct is always at work to protect one from physical, mental and emotional harm. What one does in response to that instinct is largely dependent upon his moral standard. As Yusuf Islam (former pop-singer Cat Stevens) said: when we are hurting we look for something to comfort us. While they consider all that causes pain to be evil. But there in trouble, the religious man turns to God, the one without religion runs from the pain and turns to something else (like alcohol) which will take his attention away from whatever is bothering him. There are two people with the same needs and same affection but who seek different means by which to find comfort.

Man has been endowed with great mental capacity; however it is not sufficient error. The most brilliant pioneers of science who created a nuclear bomb powerful enough to blow up the earth several times over are unable to unlock the secrets of human existence. The French scientist Andre Lwoff, said that man is still unable to create a single living organism and he cannot even produce one living bacteria. Although medical science has failed to run for to unravel the unknown mechanism of the human brain, it continues to observe the qualities in the human body that are no less miraculous. For example the tear of the human eye contains the strongest bactericide found in any pharmaceutical drug and can destroy upto one hundred different types of bacteria even when diluted many times. Man’s intelligence brings him very close to the knowledge he needs to understand life but even so he does not always use it in right way. For example research proves that alcohol kills brain cells when consumed even in small amount. Scientific evidence also shows that brain cells do not regenerate. so why do so many people still drink alcohol? It would seem not due to lack of knowledge but more for the need to escape. What causes man to seek self-confidence destructive outlets to banish sadness, boredom and the like? Could it be that without proper religious groundings mankind becomes easily jarred by life’s forces?

The stability offered in cyclonic “soul storms “of temptation depression lack of self-worth and infinitum is quite real. If the human soul is “anchored” to the truth, it will weather whatever the seas of life may toss at it. Knowledge of the true way to live will free human beings from the false fleeting traps that promise comfort and escape.